What Should I Expect From a Business Coach

Chances are, if you are reading this article, you have probably Googled........"What Should I Expect From a Business Coach", or even "What does a business coach do?"

Maybe before we dive into what you should expect from coaching, we should talk about what it isn't!

Myths Around Coaching

I had a potential client once.

With 30+ years of experience running a multi-multi-million dollar construction company. Along with 2 successful adult children, who also navigated the downturn of the late 2000’s - asked me what I could teach her?

Um, what?

Coaches are not teachers or therapists.

They are not consultants.

We are not mentors.

Now, I am going to share my definitions for these other modalities and in doing so, get into some of the background and training for coaches.

Does this apply to ALL coaches, or any of these other areas of expertise?

Most certainly not.

However, there are some broader philosophies that any certified member of these vocations share.

I will share my very personal approach as well.

My intention is this blog may be used as a reference, nay, a resource for anyone considering the support of a coach for their business, professional career, and life.

Let’s start with the others.


Therapists take people from non-functional to functional.

They are highly trained and even in psychiatrists’ instances, medical doctors.

Therapists work with acute trauma and situations where people are experiencing highly debilitating dysfunction.


There are different areas of specialty, ranging from:

      • marriage
      • family
      • cognitive-behaviors
      • and a multitude of other specialties


Often times, I refer people to therapists and I owe a large degree of my success to seeking therapy at various intervals in my development.



Highly trained professionals who are experts in transferring knowledge, with the purpose of bringing students to competence and eventually expertise.

This approach assumes the Teacher has a higher level of knowledge than a student in a specific area

There is often a pre-approved format, repeatable approach, and even testing or performance measures that are applied.



*** If you want the work done for you, find one of these!!

Consultants are for-hire experts in areas of industry or services paid to create a specific deliverable or result.

They are responsible for not only identifying the problem but solving it.

Often, consultants use customized systems and templates or are required to build out a unique solution for their contracted arrangement.

Typically they have years of experience and they have crafted both a reputation and niche expertise.

Their clients are hiring them to infuse into their own organization.



Mentors are individuals are at the top of their game!

They tend to be very advanced and very successful leaders who lend their experience and leverage their network on behalf of their mentee

This can be a pro-bono or a paid arrangement.

Mentors are often sought out to support a desired level of growth, income and/or success in one’s professional or personal life.



Coaching usually involves a facilitator that supports individuals, couples, groups, or organizations.

They aid by clarifying goals, creating action plans, and ensuring accountability, both in success and facing obstacles.

The experience, job-type, credentials, certifications, and scope of work can wildly vary between coaches.

So What is Coaching?

I’m not even going to bother to come up with a unique definition, I am copying and pasting from my training program, linked below:


Successful coaches enable others to be the agent of change in their own lives instead of simply dealing with unintended outcomes.

In its simplest form, coaching is about helping another person achieve their personal or professional goals.

At it's very best, Coaching is about helping people make profound and lasting shifts in their lives.

By pushing clients to dig deeper they can unlock their true potential.


How is coaching different than teaching, mentoring, consulting, and therapy?

With Coaching, a co-created process takes place. The coach and client set objectives, discover and reinforce motivations, and uncover blocks getting in the way of success.

Unlike the other methodologies, coaches are not applying their expertise.

Coaches are not implementing strategy nor are they responsible for the client’s results.

They’re certainly are not telling their clients what to do.


Why do I need a coach?

Traditionally, coaching methods focused on helping individuals, couples, groups, or organizations to clarify their goals.

An action plan is created and the client is held accountable to the plan.

However, the style of coaching I was trained to practice, with my own beliefs, is that we each have unlimited opportunities and endless potential.

In my coaching practice, I step beyond action plans and accountability.

I work with each of my client’s mindsets, attitudes, perspectives, and energetic responses in order to expand the choices they have available.

This allows them to create their desired reality.

This process yields unfathomable success, with less stress and struggle than previously experienced by the client.


What results can I expect from a coach?

I’m not going to lie - this is a tough question for me to answer.


Because the results are based on your commitment to the process.

It’s different for every client, and honestly, not every coach is the best fit for every person.

With the right coaching partnership in place, anything is truly possible.


So Should You Get a Coach?

This is where a coach makes the difference in your path to success.

Finding your coach should include those who are experienced and trained.

They also have supported a multitude of personalities, egos, and skill-sets, in navigating their own path to success.

Are there guarantees?

No. I can only speak for myself when I say; I will guarantee that I will show up every damn day and meet you exactly where you’re at!

I want to ensure you have support and systems that are tailored to You and your unique desires, dreams, and strengths.

Ready To Get Started? Click here to book a call.....we'll figure it out!


What other resources may I explore for coaching:





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