Why Nothing Ever Changes?

Why CHANGE feels impossible and how to MAKE IT HAPPEN?

Hey there, change-seeker! You're here because you're itching for a shift in your life, aren't you? Maybe you're a bit like me, constantly in pursuit of something new and exciting. Or perhaps you're just tired of the same old, same old. Well, guess what? You're in the right place.

Success... it's a word we all toss around, but what does it really mean? Is it a number in your bank account, a feeling, a state of being? Here's the kicker: only you can define it. And that's where we start our journey – understanding what success looks like for you.

We've all got a story, a narrative we tell ourselves about who we are and what we're capable of. But here's a thought: what if that story is more fiction than fact? It's time to rewrite that narrative. 

Ask yourself, on a scale from 1 to 100, how much do you really want to change?

Ah, resistance, our familiar foe. You know the drill – those pesky thoughts of past failures, or fears of the unknown future. But here's a secret: resistance is just information. It's telling you something.

Listen to it, but don't let it be the boss of you.

And if you’re ever worried about what 'they' will think? Whether it's about how you sell, post, or level up, it's easy to get caught up in others' opinions. But remember, this journey is about you, not them.

Do you thrive on others' validation? Yikes, that's a shaky foundation! It's time to find what genuinely drives you, your unique definition of success.

Now, let's talk about action. You're ready to stop the cycle of repeating the same mistakes. It's time for an effortless evolution. How, you ask?

Firstly, commit to change, forever and for real this time. And please, be kind to yourself. Self-flagellation is so last season!

Create a success strategy that works for you, one that you can replicate and repeat in everything you do. This journey is deeply personal and unique to you. It's about progress, learning to fail forward, and reaching an emotional climax.

The only constant in life is change.

I've had 50 different businesses, multiple degrees, and moved countless times. Yet, people see me as stable and consistent. How? Through awareness and expectation management.

What are you waiting for? Here's the ultimate goal: feeling like you finally 'get it' and knowing how to stick with change. It's about making this journey fun and adventurous, not a story of struggle or suffering.

Recognize the comfort of the status quo but also the excitement and growth that comes with stepping out of it, balancing safety and adventure.

Ready for more? If you're curious about how to apply these ideas in your life or need a little more guidance, listen to this Podcast episode to get more insights.

Explore the Anti Business School to get invaluable tips and strategies for growing and scaling yourself and your biz to the next level.

Join the Loop, for a weekly dose of fun, empowerment, and inspiration.

Remember, there's a whole world of change waiting for you!


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